Great training for a first time author

Kate Stead
 | Updated June 23, 2024

Great training for a first time author

Kate Stead
 | Updated June 23, 2024

Discover a stack of training to accelerate your author career....

If you’ve been following my articles for a while, you’ll know I do like an Infostack 😉. We did the Kid Lit one for children’s authors and now we have a great planner for your media kit in Write Publish Profit 7.0.

I'll break down some specific highlights to consider in this article, ones that are best for a first time author who is nearly through writing their book.

Awesome 1: Manuscript Evaluation First 50 Pages ($500 Value)

This one is such a great win that its almost worth buying the stack just for this alone. Here's part of the blurb:

Get an expert review of the first 50 pages of your novel or nonfiction from Bryan Thomas Schmidt. Bryan is a #1 bestselling, Hugo-nominated editor known for his work on Andy Weir’s The Martian and countless other novels and anthologies, including titles in the Predator and Aliens Vs. Predator series.

I love this idea. So handy. If your book is just about done, an evaluation can be incredibly useful before you into editing. Or if you have already edited, consider this a double check that your book is indeed ready for formatting. (Note - not good value for a picture book. Only for long form).

Valued at $500, this is a pretty cool inclusion.

Getting Started with Amazon KDP

If you are finishing your first book, this is a great option to show you how to use KDP. Again, you can hunt down separate videos on YouTube, but having it all pulled together into one simple course is sooooooo much easier

Featuring a Media Kit Planner from Old Mate Media

As a first time author you won’t have a media kit yet and our planner will step you through how to put one together. Its a pretty cool planner (if I do say so myself). And if you need a hand as you go, you can definitiely email me with questions or book in a call and we can talk it through. Normally $34.99USD you get it included as part of the fabulous bundle.

Discounted Pre-Made Cover

Now – lots of people will tell you not to go with a pre-made cover. But if this is your first book and you want to get it out there and test the market, a pre-made cover can be very useful. Sometimes you don’t want to spend a lot of money on a custom cover until you see how the book goes. You can always re-release down the track as you find success. (Just look at the rebranded Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn for a bestselling example.)

Other Goodies

Some of the other inclusions I would focus on using are:

  • Fictionary StoryTeller Access - for editing courses. Note - this is only 2 month access though, so you will want to tap into this when you need it.
  • Easy Book Videos - useful in the world where video rules
  • Get Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers in 30 Days. - You will need emails to grow your author brand. Fact. Its a hard thing to do. Fact. This will be helpful.
  • Bestseller Book Marketing - Again another all round useful course that will give you an overview of simple tactics to use.
  • Bestselling Book Launches - Good information to have as you launch your first book to demystify the process.

This exclusive bundle of resources is available for just a few more days.

Grab it here!

P.S. I'm sharing Write Publish Profit 7.0 as an affiliate, so when you use my link to buy, I'll get a small percentage of the proceeds at no extra expense to you. Because I know you trust me to come to you with great deals and products, I take my recommendations seriously and I only promote products I use and love and Write Publish Profit 7.0 is no exception! This is a bundle I think all writers should consider. 

Kate Stead

Kate Stead is an indie author and publisher. She founded Old Mate Media, a boutique publishing company, in Sydney Australia, with her husband, award-winning author and editor Chris Stead. Focusing on creating beautiful and professional children’s and non-fiction books, she guides authors through the confusing landscape of the self-publishing industry and is passionate about helping indie authors first set and then achieve their publishing goals.

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