How lucky is this little girl?
Her mother has baked her a massive cake for her birthday party with chocolate and cream and thick icing - yummy!. In fact, it is so big that it towers over all the presents and party food. There is so much leftover, however, it cannot fit in the fridge. So where can this little girl hide this delicious cake so that her baby brother cannot eat it? And how much mess can she make on her quest without getting in trouble? Find out in this scrumptious picture book from 2016's most exciting new children's author.
Chris Stead is a young father of three and author who has is turning his years of experience as a journalist and magazine designer into creating high-end digital books to read to his kids. It includes original, unique art and an all new tale road-tested on the hungry children of friends and family. It's rich in colours and humour, and has a tasty subject matter that every kid will love,
We'd love for you to enjoy our little book with your own family and to spread the word with friends, and please also check out Chris' other children's books in The Wild Imagination of Willy Nilly series (Book 1: The Little Green Boat, Book 2: Follow the Breadcrumbs) and Trouble at the Zoo.