Category: Publishing

How to Embrace Selling as an Author

Authors must embrace selling as part of their journey. Why? And how? Let's find out... Have you read my article about finding your why? We talked about using this core message, this heart of your raison d’être to create your brand identity for your book or books. The next step is to talk about selling. […]
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The secret hack to create your author brand

Shhh - it's a secret. Start with Why... Does the thought of an author brand make you go ergh! Too hard basket? Or even too inauthentic? Not real or honest. Yep – its not a popular consideration for a lot of authors. What if I instead asked you why you started writing? Or what inspired […]
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New IngramSpark minimum wholesale discount

How will the IngramSpark discount change affect you? What is the IngramSpark minimum wholesale discount? IngramSpark is a wholesale distributor. This means that they on sell your books to retailers who then sell them to customers. IngramSpark do not sell direct to book buyers. IngramSpark is important for indie authors, especially children's authors as they […]
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Adam Exitus release date announced - Adam X: book 1

A blockbuster new sci-fi space opera from Nicholas Abdilla and Old Mate Media is set to launch on March 3, 2017, and you can pre-order it now. For the past year, author Nicholas Abdilla and editor Chris Stead have been putting the final touches on Adam Exitus. It’s a book that has been over ten […]
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