Self-published indie author news

All the latest news about indie authors and the self-publishing scene so you can stay fully informed.

It's important to keep up to date with all the latest indie author news. It's just not about who is releasing new books and getting essential tips on how to best succeed in your self-publishing journey. Knowing the latest self-publishing news also keeps you informed of new printers, changes in production costs, additional distribution models, government incentives and plenty more. It’s news that can impact your book's chances of success. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter so you never miss a thing.

Great training for a first time author

June 23, 2024 
Discover a stack of training to accelerate your author career.... If you’ve been following my articles for a while, you’ll know I do like an Infostack 😉. We did the Kid Lit one for children’s authors and now we have a great planner for your media kit in Write Publish Profit 7.0. I'll break down […]

How to Embrace Selling as an Author

June 4, 2024 
Authors must embrace selling as part of their journey. Why? And how? Let's find out... Have you read my article about finding your why? We talked about using this core message, this heart of your raison d’être to create your brand identity for your book or books. The next step is to talk about selling. […]

The secret hack to create your author brand

April 10, 2024 
Shhh - it's a secret. Start with Why... Does the thought of an author brand make you go ergh! Too hard basket? Or even too inauthentic? Not real or honest. Yep – its not a popular consideration for a lot of authors. What if I instead asked you why you started writing? Or what inspired […]

New IngramSpark minimum wholesale discount

September 19, 2023 
How will the IngramSpark discount change affect you? What is the IngramSpark minimum wholesale discount? IngramSpark is a wholesale distributor. This means that they on sell your books to retailers who then sell them to customers. IngramSpark do not sell direct to book buyers. IngramSpark is important for indie authors, especially children's authors as they […]

Old Mate Media wins at Firebird Book Awards

September 11, 2023 
I couldn't be more thrilled and honored to share this incredible news with all of you: Old Mate Media has won second place in not just one, but two prestigious categories at this year's Firebird Book Awards for Chris' children's book Follow the Breadcrumbs. This is a remarkable achievement that speaks to our dedication and […]

5 Reasons you Need to Write a Children’s Book! 

July 18, 2023 
5 Reasons you Need to Write a Children’s Book! I once knew a woman who had a story inside of her that she had been wanting to tell for years.  She was passionate about writing since childhood and dreamed of one day publishing a book, but she was too afraid to take a chance. She […]

Get The Fastest Kid in the World for free

June 27, 2022 
The Fastest Kid in the World is FREE for a limited time!   In last month's newsletter we had Follow the Breadcrumbs on sale. If you missed out on getting it for free, it's now available on Kindle Unlimited so that you can download the eBook and read it whenever you wish. You can find […]

Follow the Breadcrumbs for FREE

May 30, 2022 
The exciting second adventure in the Wild Imagination of Willy Nilly is currently FREE on Kindle for just 5 days! You can pick up Follow the Breadcrumbs for FREE from May 30th to April 4th. The perfect gift for a friend or addition to your child's bookshelf. If you enjoy Follow the Breadcrumbs on eBook, consider picking […]

Top tips for authors: How to get a US bank account

May 25, 2022 
Learn how to get a US bank account for Amazon payments using Wise. Wise (formerly known as TransferWise) is an international currency transfer company that allows you to send and receive money all over the world. Their multi-currency accounts provide an excellent solution for authors from outside the US to receive their royalty payments. How […]

Author Interview with LaTasha Reynolds

May 17, 2022 
This week's author interview is with LaTasha Reynolds. LaTasha wrote Bryla’s Amazing Imagination as a letter to her daughter in the form of a story. Her goal is to inspire kids to dream and teach them the power of imagination. Read on for the full interview.   Tell us about your book? Bryla's Amazing Imagination: […]
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