Self-published indie author news

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It's important to keep up to date with all the latest indie author news. It's just not about who is releasing new books and getting essential tips on how to best succeed in your self-publishing journey. Knowing the latest self-publishing news also keeps you informed of new printers, changes in production costs, additional distribution models, government incentives and plenty more. It’s news that can impact your book's chances of success. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter so you never miss a thing.

eBooks vs Books – parents should give children’s ebooks a try

October 15, 2016 
In the eBooks vs Books debate, no matter whether you call them traditional books, paper books, printed books or real books, the argument remains the same. eBooks vs Books - where do you currently stand? I love reading physical books with my children. It's enjoyable watching them scan through the bookshelf – or more accurately […]

16 ways children’s ebooks are better than printed books

October 15, 2016 
In the eBooks vs Printed Books debate, you will be surprised by how many ways a good eBook can improve on the traditional reading experience. Don’t be lulled into thinking that an eBook is just a print book in digital form. A good eBook should offer an enhanced experience that makes the most of its […]

8 reasons why reviewing ebooks is important

October 13, 2016 
Reviewing eBooks only takes a matter of seconds, but so many readers don’t do it and the harm it causes to their favourite authors is immense. In this digital age, the process of product consumption is so fast it’s easy to not associate any real value with the experience. But whatever that experience, you have […]

How to download ebooks on Amazon and iTunes

October 11, 2016 
If you want to download eBooks for Apple Books via iTunes, and Kindle via Amazon, here are the simple steps you need to follow. Old Mate Media publishes children’s picture books, comics, cookbooks, novels and more, and all of them are available for purchase as eBooks. There are two main online stores we use to […]

Can You See The Magic? A revolutionary and unique new children’s book

September 28, 2016 
Today Old Mate Media is ecstatic to announce its latest Children’s Book. Can You See The Magic? is available on iTunes and Amazon, and it’s unlike anything you have seen before. The seventh children’s picture book to be written and published by Chris Stead and Old Mate Media is on sale right now. It’s available […]

Take our children’s book survey and win

September 22, 2016 
Want to win a cool prize by doing a small survey? Old Mate Media is looking to improve the way it delivers great children’s books to parents and grandparents around the world. There’s plenty of exciting plans in motion here at Old Mate Media and we want you to get involved. We’re hoping you can […]

Why did I start making children’s books?

August 30, 2016 
From journalist of the year to scratching away in the indie author scene, why did I choose the path of children’s book author? Wind back the clock just a few years, and my career was peaking nicely. I had never written any children's books, but I was running the Australian branch of the biggest video games […]

A Very Strange Zoo - a new picture book out now

August 18, 2016 
Old Mat Media’s latest children’s picture book features a unique visual style, and some of the most amazing animals you will ever see. When I first saw the art of Argentinian Antonela Cárpena, I was immediately struck by its unique feel. My introduction to her work was an image of a house filled with various […]

101 best Facebook groups for children’s book authors and readers

July 2, 2016 
The hardest part of self-publishing your book is marketing and finding an audience. Here are the best Facebook groups for authors. If you’ve already self-published a book, then you are no doubt aware that writing the text and sourcing the images is the easy part – making readers aware of your book’s existence is where […]

Guide: setting the right expectations for your children’s picture book

June 29, 2016 
Wouldn’t it be nice if a million people bought your children’s picture book overnight? Of course, but is that a reality? What are the right expectations to set before you invest your time and money in indie book development? You’ve completed your book. It’s edited, illustrated and designed, and you’ve done your keyword research to […]
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