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It's important to keep up to date with all the latest indie author news. It's just not about who is releasing new books and getting essential tips on how to best succeed in your self-publishing journey. Knowing the latest self-publishing news also keeps you informed of new printers, changes in production costs, additional distribution models, government incentives and plenty more. It’s news that can impact your book's chances of success. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter so you never miss a thing.
Gentle George children’s chapter book out now
Adam Nexus by Nicholas Abdilla and Chris Stead out now
Author interview with Timmy Miller
Best Black Friday deals for authors in 2020
Author Interview with Shaneisha Dodson
November news from Old Mate Media
Author Interview with Julie Stamm
Apple reveals key Christmas dates for authors
Author Interview with Cherelle Yarbrough
Four reasons to do a read aloud on YouTube
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